Friday, October 27, 2017

ISIL’s Execution Videos

ISIL’s Execution Videos: Audience Segmentation and Terrorist Communication in the Digital Age | Radicalisation Research "This article offers a bottom-up understanding of the media strategy employed by the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) as it relates to the production and dissemination of its hostage execution videos." Journal link here

The couple who put IS at heart of marriage

Dominic Casciani, BBC News, The couple who put IS at heart of marriage, 26 Oct 2017 "Three members of the same family have been convicted for being part of what could have been a major terror attack on the streets of Birmingham. Prosecutors say that at the centre of the plot foiled earlier this year were a husband-and-wife team who put the self-styled Islamic State's cause at the centre of their marriage." Online elements in this case.

Social media brings Pakistan's persecuted women rare justice after the violence

Guardian, Social media brings Pakistan's persecuted women rare justice after the violence "Together, Gill, Ali and Siddiqi represent a growing movement of Pakistani women using the internet to demand justice for the crimes they have suffered. This month, the #MeToo campaign – in which women globally have used social media to condemn sexual harassment and assault – has also trended in Pakistan, with one media commentator noting that, unlike previous popular campaigns against patriarchal violence, the #MeToo movement has gained “alarmingly high traction” in the country." Must-read.

Israel's 'predictive policing' sees online crackdown on Palestinians

alaraby, Israel's 'predictive policing' sees online crackdown on Palestinians "Israeli security agencies are using advanced technology to trawl through Palestinian social media posts to identify and detain users who have not yet committed a crime."

Sawab Center

Washington Times, Muslim-run messaging center wages cyberwar on Islamic State, 19 Oct 2017 "The little-known Sawab Center, which had its origins in Washington but has been run by the UAE government since 2015, also circulates its own intense — and, at times, violent — videos, made by Muslims to scare Muslims away from extremist content and to promote anti-terrorist sentiment online."

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

‘Halal whiskey’ hoax

Coconuts Jakarta, ‘Halal whiskey’ hoax goes viral after gov’t ends Indonesian Ulema Council’s power to issue halal certifications

This Online Group of Former Islamic Extremists Deradicalizes Jihadists, This Online Group of Former Islamic Extremists Deradicalizes Jihadists

IS map

NYT, The Islamic State: From Insurgency to Rogue State and Back interactive map

Libyan activists team up with Al-Azhar to tackle extremism

al-monitor, Libyan activists team up with Al-Azhar to tackle extremism "Not everybody is convinced that Al-Azhar can have a significant influence in Libya. Blogger Mohammad Khalil, 37, noted that Wahhabism, a fanatic and relatively modern interpretation of Islam originating from Saudi Arabia, is propagated far more than the views of Al-Azhar sheikhs. In the last 50 years, Riyadh has invested at least $86 billion in spreading Wahhabism worldwide, according to a study released in July by the Henry Jackson Society, a British think tank."

All eyes on delayed ISIS magazine and how militants will pitch Raqqa defeat

9news, All eyes on delayed ISIS magazine and how militants will pitch Raqqa defeat, 24 Oct 2017

Terror in France: The Rise of Jihad in the West

Terror in France The Rise of Jihad in the West
Terror in France: The Rise of Jihad in the West | Radicalisation Researcc

Book information

Monday, October 16, 2017

Somalia attack

Chicago Tribune, 'It's a dark day for us': 276 killed in deadliest single attack in Somalia's history

Graphic: @MuslimGirl

Raif Badawi : Dreaming of freedom. A documentary graphic novel.

Radio Canada, Raif Badawi : Dreaming of freedom. A documentary graphic novel.

Sudan's e-Rebels

The New Arab, Austin Bodetti, On the front lines with Sudan's e-Rebels, and the state hackers targeting them, 16 Oct 2017 "A little-known hacker group operating under the name "Electronic Jihad" (sometimes translated from Arabic as "Cyber Jihad") spearheads the Sudanese government's efforts at cyber-warfare in Darfur, the Blue Nile, and the Nuba Mountains, where rebels representing ethnic minorities have been resisting its authority for decades."

Piety and Porn: In Raqqa, the Laptop Secrets of an ISIS Wife

Daily Beast, Piety and Porn: In Raqqa, the Laptop Secrets of an ISIS Wife

French intelligence texts jihadist by mistake, inadvertently warning of surveillance operation

Telegraph, French intelligence texts jihadist by mistake, inadvertently warning of surveillance operation


MIT Technology Review, How Close Are You Really?, 16 Oct 2017 "A diagram of your social network reveals the strength of your individual relationships, network scientists say."

Thursday, October 12, 2017

Sally Jones was fleeing Raqqa as Isis's capital fell

Guardian, Sally Jones was fleeing Raqqa as Isis's capital fell "During her years with Isis, Jones, dubbed “the white widow”, had become one of the group’s most senior females, given the job of indoctrinating other women, as part of the Anwar al-Awlaki brigades, and sending some on suicide missions. Killing her had been a priority of both US and UK intelligence, which had painstakingly tried to dismantle the group’s external operations capacity which was tasked with carrying out attacks abroad."

Monday, October 09, 2017

Saturday, October 07, 2017

The driving lesson selfie that enraged some Saudis

BBC News, The driving lesson selfie that enraged some Saudis "Faisal BaDughaish, an analyst in a gas and oil company from Dhahran in the east of Saudi Arabia, tweeted a photo of him with his wife in an empty car park. The tweet read: "I started teaching my wife how to drive in one of the private parking spaces in a safe and legal way, preparing for the law to take effect.""

Thursday, October 05, 2017

These Young Black British Muslims Were So Tired Of Being Erased They Made Their Own Web Series

Aisha Gani, buzzfeed, These Young Black British Muslims Were So Tired Of Being Erased They Made Their Own Web Series "In a six-minute preview featuring historian Habeeb Akande and rapper Muneera Williams, black British Muslims discuss their identity. In one candid moment, educator Amira Marius says: “People don’t recognise Islam as a 'black' religion a lot of the times because they don’t have that knowledge and understanding ... so they see it as an adopted religion.""